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In the second half of 2006 I was accepted into the Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS) program. I had always wondered if I had what it might take to achieve a University Degree and on being accepted into the STEPS program I was given a opportunity to find the answer to that question.
During that program many options were put us. Things we might do once we had completed our Steps program.
One of the many people that addressed our Steps groups was, Dr. Grayson Cooke, Lecturer, BA(Hons) VUW, PhD Concordia. Grayson's passionate talk was on the wonderful world of animation.
I had in the past toyed with some ideas for animated stories, but had no idea how these ideas might come to fruition. After listening to Grayson I knew the answer ... and I also knew that the chance hearing of the Steps program had led me to finding this path.

This program is available through CQUniversity. The program is quite flexible, internal and external classes are offered, and special needs are addressed. If you haven't been in school for awhile or didn't finish high school,but feel you would like to further your education, then STEPS maybe the beginning to the rest of your life. For further information......
Karen Seary....(07)41507000
or by mail at Locked bag 3333,Bundaberg DC Qld 4670

On these pages I would like to show you some of the things I have done and how they were achieved.
I hope that on completion of any of the exercises that you will feel the inner magic.

Hi....I hope you enjoy your visit

I would like to say that in this web site ALL the animations are my own. I have not sourced any free to use things not have I "borrowed" any ones elses work......EXCEPT
for the drawing of the cute welcome clever daughter drew him and I animated him, I'll tell you about using your childrens drawings on the animation page.